How can I use my MyPocketSkill experience to further my career?

You and your career

There are lots of ways you could leverage your experiences on MyPocketSkill for your career.

Nowadays, there are so many avenues to promote yourself to employers, which is both an opportunity but also could result in you feeling overwhelmed at times. This article explores the different options and pathways for you to promote yourself to employers.


LinkedIn is a fantastic resource for gaining employment. Self-promotion can often lead opportunities you might not even realise would be there.

Firstly, you could change your LinkedIn tagline to promote your MyPocketSkill achievements such as the below example.

LinkedIn Demo.png

Additionally, in you can list your achievements in the experience section of MyPocketSkill. Although there's no perfect way to do this, generally it's good to structure your achievements in terms of what you did, who was involved, and what the results were. It's good to include numbers and percentages in your achievements as it gives people a sense of scale of the work you have done. In terms of explaining results, it can sometimes be hard to quantify the work you do, especially since some tasks might have a more indirect result. In this case, it's okay to focus on things like having received positive feedback, or you might want to track the results of your efforts over a longer period or reach out and send a friendly message to your client and ask if the work you did had any positive results.

Social Media Manager.png


It's totally acceptable to write your MyPocketSkill experiences into your resume. Once again, a good strategy is to write out your experiences in terms of what you did, who was involved, and what the results were.

The below example outlines how you might write your experiences:

Level 6 Digital Designer at MyPocketSkill

November 2021 - May 2022

  • Lead an initiative to create a graphics to improve customer engagement for a local juice bar.
  • Conducted SEO analysis for a digital marketing boutique to help identify ways to increase traffic. This resulted in 20% higher engagement with the website and improved search page rankings on Google.

Make sure that you tailor your experiences to the jobs you apply for. It's good to assume that employers don't spend too long reading your resume, so you want to put the information which is most relevant to them up front, make sure your resume is formatted neatly, is free from spelling and grammar errors, and is not too long (1-2 pages). It's also great to use action verbs to describe the work that you've done such as "Lead", "Enhanced", "Improved" and many others.


Overall, there are many opportunities to leverage work you've completed to promote yourself as a competent, engaged and interested young person. For more information on how to write a great CV, you can read the UCAS guide on how to write a CV or Student Room's Guide on Writing a Killer CV.

Best of luck from team MyPocketSkill 🙌.